The power of Rituals


A ritual is defined as a sequence of activities involving gestures, words, actions, or objects, performed according to a set sequence. Often religiously and occurring on arranged dates at certain times. Rituals have passed through communities over thousands of years but what does ritual mean today? 

When we think of ritual in a non-religious context, the word is still very similar. Something that is sacred to us each individually, feeds our minds and bodies with thoughts relating to a positive future. Rituals are also synonymous with habit and repetition. In comparison to self-care routines, rituals possess a different type of power. The mindset for creating and maintaining something different to that of a normal routine. 


With a world full of digital stimulation and commercial establishments focused on relaxation (like spas and hotels), it's becoming a term for wellness. However, they appear to be misinterpreting the word - because not everyone can afford to visit one of these lavish establishments weekly or even monthly to make the treatment a true ritual. 

This is where home rituals are important. As we take the time to prioritise our wellbeing, building these rituals into our daily routine can transform how mindset and wellness. Your personal rituals are about looking at what serves you best and what will help bring you positive outcomes in the future. Here are our top 5 ideas for sustainable rituals at home. 

meditate under the stars

  1. The Night Sky 

Many ancient rituals revolved around astrological movements. The wealth of research about the movement of stars is far too large for us to explain here, but by incorporating the gratitude for the huge, unique world we live in can have a great impact. Whether daily, once a week or month or when certain constellations are aligned, heading outside to meditate or contemplate the world makes a simple and easy wellness ritual.  

soy candle

  1. Long journaling 

Many of us know the benefits of daily journaling and many of us know how difficult it is to start. We’re all different. If this isn’t a ritual for you, long journaling might be. At the end of the week take the time to write about things that occurred, rather than daily. You’re more likely to invest in making the time and space for this to happen because it’s a ritual that you only do once a week. We like journaling with a natural candle as it helps create a beautiful atmosphere and the scent helps us focus. 

coffee and mint scrub

  1. Pamper yourself 

Make your pamper routine a ritual. A guilty pleasure that you celebrate! You should pamper yourself whenever life gets challenging. Use it to take time to think, create an action plan and be ready to face anything.

You should be doing things that make your body feel good. You should be having a lifestyle that includes things that make you happy. So a pamper ritual is worth your time investing in and finding out what works best for you.

We've found long baths, massaging body oils into your skin before bed or using scrubs in the shower make regular routines more special. Combining these type of activities can form a great ritual once a week or whenever needed. 


  1. Affirmations 

Daily affirmations have been promoted by some of the highest ranking professionals you can imagine. Think; the introduction of a film where the camera pans through an apartment in the morning with upbeat music playing and it goes into a steaming bathroom where someone is repeating a phrase whilst looking into the mirror. By positively encouraging yourself, believing in yourself and being optimistic about the future, your energy will rise through these actions. The more energy you put into these affirmations, the more positive you will have towards your goals. 

sleepy head range

  1. Sleep 

We know it's a broken record, but quality sleep is the best drug on the market. Sleep is crucial for performing well, just like quality food and water. Without sleep our minds struggle to keep on top of all the things we have to do. With blue light, social media and higher stress levels all contributing to struggles with sleep, making sleep a ritual will make a big difference.

By putting in place a series of good behaviours that you do before bed, i.e putting the phone away, having a cup of tea, reading a few pages of a book or simply applying our Sleepy Head Beauty Balm to the wrists and temples, you set yourself up for a great night's sleep.

daily ritual

Rituals are a very personal thing. Even the smallest one can have a massive effect on your wellbeing. Good habits don’t just help us have healthier lifestyles but they also keep us working towards our goals. Sometimes changing the name of habit and routine to ritual just removes those tougher connotations to make life a little more manageable.

We always preach that personal wellbeing needs to be a priority in everyone's life. It truly makes a huge difference to happiness levels. Creating your own space and defining your own rituals is the best way forward. You know yourself best after all. You also know what makes you feel better. So it's time to sit down, come up with several rituals to try and start finding out what makes you happy.

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