Your Christmas morning routine for a stress-free day

Your Christmas morning routine for a stress-free day 


Each and every household has its very own unique way of waking up each morning, but Christmas morning is a truly special day that is like no other. Each household awakes at their own time often excited to see if Father Christmas has visited the night before. However, some of us wake up a little bit more stressed than normal. Are we sure that’s the correct time to put the turkey in? Did we forget to wrap a present? What time are people arriving? Will there be enough time in the day to achieve everything?  

The answer is yes; there’s enough time to complete everything we need to. But this day is for us as much as it is for everyone else. We shouldn't be worried about this day, we should be enjoying it as much as everyone else. So here are our top tips and ideas to add to your morning, not as extra things to do, but so you get to enjoy your day in the most stress-free way. Even if you only do one of these things, it will make sure that you’ve given yourself something special for Christmas day so that it becomes the success you want it to be! 


comfy socks

Comfiest Clothing 

It’s the morning, grab something soft to wear or even just your fluffiest socks to give yourself that extra bit of luxury that makes you feel good as you climb out of bed to begin your day! 


morning stretch

Get your Stretch in 

You might wish to not exercise on Christmas day and attempt to take the day off, but five minutes worth of stretching will make your body feel at its most ready to enjoy everything the day has to give. 



Coffee or Hot Chocolate 

Don’t lose sight of your normal routine. If you start the morning with a coffee, why not have it in bed or change to a hot chocolate. Keeping these normal things in place will help bring calmness to your day - don’t forget your water intake too! 


winter breakfast

The Festive Breakfast 

You might not wish to have anything to eat but it will help you feel energised and strong. Lose any stress about providing your loved one’s with a festive-themed breakfast by deciding what you’ll make in advance and even prepping beforehand! It can be really simple, but prepping before is the key! At the Coopers household, we always go for warm croissants and a fruit platter! Let us know in the comments what you will have?!


family games

Family Games

If you need a moment to yourself, set the family up with an entertaining game. They’ll be engrossed in this activity allowing you the time to do whatever you might need to, even if it is just for yourself. 


xmas stocking

Stocking Opening 

A great idea for little ones is to allow them to open stockings in the morning if you’re being joined by other family or friends later on in the day for gift opening. They then have the thrill of opening gifts and new things to play with allowing you additional stress-free time to do other tasks. 


xmas ornament

Make an ornament or a tradition 

If you’ve got time that you want to spend making memories in the morning a great idea is to make your own tradition. We love the idea of making an ornament to hang on the tree that will be placed on the tree in future years and joined by a new one each year too. 



Take a moment to feel amazing 

Don’t give up any of your normal morning routines or choose your pamper routine instead for an extra special feel. Include your skincare, makeup or shower routine to make yourself feel your best. If you haven’t tried them already, check out our Natural Skincare or Bath & Body collections to incorporate the calming benefits of aromatherapy in your routine too! 


Check your prep list 

Remind yourself that the day is for everyone’s enjoyment including your own, check your prep list in advance and stay calm, reminding yourself that you have 100% got this! 


dancing to music

Put something on that empowers you 

We love aromatherapy for calming and stress-free environments, but we love music too! Put on your favourite playlist, festive or not, and bring the power back to you! 


scented candles

Surround yourself with calming influences 

If you’ve got little ones who are super excited about Christmas it can feel difficult to surround yourself with calmer influences, but we’ve got you covered and are here to support you! From Room Sprays & Atmosphere Mists to Natural Scented Candles to Essential Oil Blends, there's something for everyone to create their perfect calm and stress-free space! 


xmas lunch

Consider your ideal

The best thing you can do to help you remain stress-free on Christmas day is to consider what your perfect day looks like. If you haven’t thought about this then nothing will ever be good enough. This allows you then to think about exactly what you want, the moments you want to be involved in and the things that truly make Christmas for you. This will likely remove a lot of the things you might feel obligated to do and means your day will end as happy as possible because you knew what you wanted! (It also provides an excellent opportunity for you to think about the alternatives for things if they don’t run quite as smoothly as you would have hoped!) 


In conclusion, this day is yours as much as it is anyone else's. Enjoy it. Do what you want! It is meant to be a special day for everyone and the people you choose to spend it with love you as much as you love them. They would hate to find out that you were feeling any kind of stress on this day because they want you to have a wonderful day just like what you’re providing them. 

Christmas was never made to be stressful. It was a day for families and friends to get together and reminisce about the year, spread love and enjoy themselves. You should be a part of the enjoyment and not just organising and making sure everything is perfect. We hope there are one or two things in our list that you’ll include in your morning to ground you and help you have a stress-free Christmas day that you can truly love and enjoy! 

Merry Christmas from Made By Coopers

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