7 Tips On How To Sleep Better


Are you sleep deprived? Missing out on a peaceful, good night's sleep? Here's a guide to help you get back on track with quality sleep. Sleep is an essential part of our daily routine, it is as important as diet and exercise for your body. It directly impacts the function of your brain and can lead to several health risks, both adults and children alike. So how do you get your quality sleep back? These are some tips to help you sleep better and stay healthy. 

chamomile tea for sleep

  1. Ditch the caffeine - Avoid consuming caffeine late in the day as it stimulates your nervous system. Caffeine has the capability to stay elevated in your blood for at least 8 hours, hence it's best to avoid. Try chamomile instead for an evening drink as this actually aids relaxation and helps you sleep better.

man getting up in the morning

  1. Train your body - Train your body to a sleep schedule that is no more than 8 hours. The more you are consistent with your sleep-wake cycle, your body starts to adhere to it. Avoid taking long daytime naps as it can influence your quality and quantity of sleep at night. If you must nap in the day, have no more than 40 minutes.

meditation on a bed

  1. Relax and unwind - Start meditating before you go to bed to help relax and clear your mind. 10 minutes of daily meditation may be all you need to clear any worrying and negative thoughts that you may bed subconsciously thinking throughout the day. Try a guided meditation on youtube or a mindfulness technique. Other ways to relax and take your mind elsewhere are, listening to soothing and calming music, read a book, take a hot bath before your bedtime, do some journal-ing. 

phone on bed

  1. Eliminate EMF's - Many people ignore the effects of EMFs (electromagnetic field) in their bedroom. Exposure to EMFs can obstruct the production of melatonin that may affect your sleep cycles. The best way to do that is to switch off your mobile phones and unplug electrical devices at night. Can't switch off? Leave your phone and tablets in a different room to the one you sleep in. Another way to block EMF's is to have a salt lamp in your room.  

Sleepy head range

  1. Use essential oils - There are many essential oils in aromatherapy that work wonders in relaxing your mind and body, such as cedarwood, lavender, patchouli, vetivert and frankincense. Add a few drops to a diffuser or oil burner to breathe in the aromas. We highly recommend you try Sleepy Head room and pillow spray mist which is a mixture of lavender, frankincense, and chamomile for a blissful night’s sleep. The soothing scent on your pillow creates a relaxing ambiance to help you sleep faster and deeper. Find Sleepy Head here


  1. Eat earlier - Are you in the habit of consuming a large meal and getting to bed soon after? Well, it's time to reconsider your routine. Consuming a large meal can disrupt your hormones and get you poor sleep. Try to finish ALL food at least 3 hours before bed. 

blue light

  1. Reduce blue light exposure - Exposure to blue light might be beneficial during the day, but at night it can disrupt your sleep by impacting your circadian rhythm. Blue light is emitted by electronic devices like TV's, mobile phone and computers, avoid using them right before your bedtime. If its impossible to avoid if you have work to do online, use a blue light filter such as f.lux.

Sleep is imperative to good health and insufficient sleep can cause the risk of obesity and a higher risk of type 2 diabetes. Before you start self-medicating, you'll be amazed at how slight changes to your routine will start positively affecting your sleep. Start sleeping better!

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