Being Of The Month - Clare's Mum, Lea White

So every month we always interview other brand owners, wellness experts and various people for a mini interview all based around wellness. We gain insight from their own methods of looking after their wellbeing. This month, I thought let's interview my mum, Lea. For some background on why, this year has been THE hardest year in our family and especially hard on my mum. Back in February, my dad had a grand mal seizure and collapsed then went in to an 8 day coma. Upon waking and various tests, we discovered he had glioblastoma brain cancer. Just for context, this is the worst kind of brain cancer with a general life expectancy of 12 to16 months. 5% to 10% live for 5 years, so of course we are doing all we can, all the alternative methods as well as conventional so he goes into that percentile and a lot of praying. On top of this, my sweet old grandad (mum's dad) passed away in June and nan (mum's mum) has dementia, dramatically brought on by the loss. It's a crazy time so I thought I would ask my mum about her wellbeing strategies and hope it can help others that may be experiencing difficult times too.

What do you do to help you feel centered and grounded during times of trauma?

I take deep breaths in and out to calm the tightness in my chest. I use Bach's day rescue remedy in the day, and their night version at night. I also spray Sleepy Head pillow spray at night to help me sleep.


What are your self-care non-negotiables?

I do yoga classes when possible plus weekly tap and jazz dance classes (which I have done for years). All told, around 3 to 4 hours per week for me-time. This time helps me focus on the now and stay in the present moment.


What to you do/or do you say to yourself to give you strength and resilience to stay in the present moment and focused on the now?

I repeated tell myself that it's my mind controlling my feelings and I can control my mind. doesnt always work but  sometimes the constant anxious quivering feeling within me relaxes a little for a while.


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