Lockdown 2: Stronger than ever

Lockdown 2: Stronger than ever

at home

What a start to November. Many of us were on the edge of our seats waiting on the announcement for what sort of lockdown was going to be introduced, but this time it’s okay, because we’re prepared and know what we’re doing!

With the lockdown in March no one knew what to expect. As we couldn’t turn to our elders for advice because it’s nothing anyone had experienced before, many lessons were learnt. But for Lockdown #2 we’re stronger and we know how to make it a success!

Here are our 5 ideas for a successful lockdown 2

1. Same Page
If you’re sharing a household with family, roommates or even strangers, it’s important to have a conversation about the next few weeks. What you all need from one another, what was successful last time and how to make the most of spending this time together. When are we going to have the opportunity to spend this much time together again?


own space
2. Space
No matter how much you like each other, you’ll need your own space. In your
conversation make sure that everyone’s space is equally allocated and this is a sacred place that you have to be invited into. There’s no easy way to work or keep a clear head if you don’t have the room to do so.


exercise at home
3. Physical and Mental Activities
Whether locking down alone or with others, we all have to prioritise our mental health. There are many activities that can make a lot of difference from journaling, meditation to reading. Even if the gym isn’t your thing, physical exercise can be as simple as going for a walk. You’ve got a few weeks to create a new habit, why not create something healthy for your body and your mind?


morning routine
4. Routine
There’s no issue in taking a day or two off. Maybe that means 24 hours in pyjamas or just an evening watching back to back feel good films, but it’s important we don’t let this cloud our month. It can be easy to fall into lethargy and this will only dampen our mood. Keeping a set routine gives us a positive outlook on our days and sometimes, all we need is to go day by day.


chat on phone5. Phone Bubbles
As single households we have the opportunity to create a bubble with another single household. For some this might not be an option, so lets make phone bubbles. If you felt like there was a point in the previous lockdown that a phone call from a friend or a loved one could have made a difference, even if it was just them talking nonsense or reminiscing about old stories, let's make sure we’re putting that positivity out there. Even if you only have time for 2 minutes, that could be enough to get someone back on their feet.

Normality hasn’t resumed and there is still an uncertainty in the air, but we’re coming at this lockdown stronger. We know how we can get through another month and this time, take time to appreciate it. Take this as your opportunity to take a break, get back on track and check that our friends and family are heading in the same direction!

written by Remy Harman on behalf of Made By Coopers

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